Monday, March 17, 2008

Purchasing Designer Handbag Tips

Women love handbags. Every time they go out, they prefer to bring one of their handbags with them. Every time they go shopping, they make sure that they purchase at least one hand bag. Handbag is very essential in woman s wardrobe. It is one of their accessories that complete their image.
There are several types and designs of handbags in the market. Among these are designer bags such as Louis Vuitton, Prada, D&G Dolce and Gabana, Chanel, Fendi, Gucci and Versace. These brands cost as much as $50,000 for a certain style and design. Investing in these types of hand bags is okay as long as you know how to check the genuine handbags and purchase only the original handbags.
When buying designer handbags, it is best to purchase on licensed retail stores that are certified to sell these designer handbags. In cases wherein you want to avail of discounts and low prices of these handbags, ensure that you know the definite characteristics of the designer handbag that you want to avail.
To start with, you should check on the particular design and style that you want. Make sure to verify from the catalogue of the designer if such design do exists. There are some fake handbags which are proliferating that looks like the real ones. It is handcrafted in such a way that with a first glance, you will really believe that it is an authentic bag.
Another thing to consider is the distinguishing mark of the designer label. Example of this is that for Chanel handbags, the logo is a double C which is placed back-to-back with each other. You should be cautious with the tags, care cards as well as the warranties that go with the handbags. There are original bags which only uses embossed tags while the replicas where printed. Be wary on such things.
You should also check on the workmanship and the materials used for the bag. Designer bags are very clean and efficiently made. There are no double stitches and there is consistent spacing in between each stitch. There is also a particular color of thread used by the designers. The zipper that is use to zip the bag usually has the name of the designer embossed in it. It is likewise made from good quality of zipper and is not easily damaged. It is likewise durable and can last longer than the bag itself. The leather of the bag feels leather when you touch it. It is not very smooth or shiny at all. The straps are not made from scraps or any extra materials. It has the same quality as the original leather of the bag itself.
Aside from these, you should also be able to check the serial number of the bag. Designer handbags have its serial number. There are no the same serial numbers because the handbag manufacturer usually has the original list with them.
These handbags are very expensive. There is a definite price range for each style and design. If a designer handbag is given to you at a very low price, you should be careful. This is a give away that the handbag is not authentic. There is no such thing as bargain designer handbags. Each handbag is valuable and there are a lot of individuals who would want to have one.
If you are planning to buy any of the designer handbags, make sure that you go to reliable stores. You can prefer to buy online since there are more online shops which offers discount for designer handbags. These shops can give higher discounts compared with retail stores because they do not have to pay for stores to display their products. Likewise, they also do not pay any employee to watch every day sales. Overhead expenses are lesser compared when they have a retail shop.
You can avail for discounts with the use of discount coupons which are also available online. Do not let your hard earned money go anywhere else. Save and purchase from reliable stores only.
When buying designer handbags, it is best to purchase on licensed retail stores that are certified to sell these designer handbags .

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Investing Internationally - Consider South Africa!

South Africa is one of the most sophisticated and promising emerging markets in the world. It is also one of the most advanced and productive economies in Africa.
The country s remarkable ability to put centuries of racial discrimination behind it in favour of reconciliation was widely considered a social "miracle" and inspired similar peace efforts.
Post-apartheid South Africa has a government comprising all races, and is often referred to as the "rainbow nation", a phrase coined by South Africa s Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu.
South Africa seeks to attract real and growing international investor commitment and, at the same time, fully capitalise on the opportunities to bring about dynamic growth in the country. In so doing it aims to enhance commercial and industrial development, while creating sustainable employment and providing training for the vast labour resource pool.
Since the inception of the new democratic government in 1994, South Africa has effectively adhered to disciplined, predictable economic fundamentals, and developed a strong entrepreneurial culture, keen to jointly develop the country with international partners.
From a geographic perspective, South Africa is proud of the role it plays in facilitating and supporting the development of Africa.
Through measures to liberalise trade and industrial development policies, South Africa has become established as a dynamic and internationally competitive investment location. Such measures include tariff reform, trade and investment promotion, an industrial strategy that focuses on supply and reform of the regulatory environment.
Considered alongside political stability, these measures have been instrumental in creating an economic scenario, ensuring that local and international firms are able to operate profitably in South Africa.
In June 2006, Research South Africa published, SOUTH AFRICA - Investor s Guide to Business Law and Trade, which provides an overview of the investment climate and regulatory environment in South Africa. Included are chapters on the South African economy, business law, investment incentives, trading environment, trade relations and many other commercial aspects. Virtually all commercial legislation is individually dealt with in separate chapters. The book is an invaluable reference source for traders, potential investors, lawyers or anyone with an interest in doing business in South Africa. It contains some 170 pages and provides a broad analysis of the South African business environment.
To receive a complimentary chapter visit

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Cisco CCNA Certification Exam FAQ: Discussing 640-801 And 640-802

The prestigious Cisco CCNA certification is going to become even more prestigious later this year - and from all accounts, even more difficult! The current 640-801 exam will be phased out on November 6, giving candidates plenty of time to prepare for that exam. The new 640-802 exam is actually being introduced August 1, giving CCNA candidates an option as to which exam to take.
Naturally, CCNA candidates have a lot of questions regarding these changes. I ve prepared this FAQ to answer the most common questions arriving in my email inbox. If your question isn t answered here, send it to me and your question just might be in the next FAQ!
Q: Should I stop studying for the 640-801 exam?
A: Absolutely not. Actually, this should help you accelerate your efforts! Cisco has been kind enough to keep the current exam around through November 6, so you have more than enough time to pass the current version. Also, while I m sure there will be some 640-802 study tools available soon, you won t have a wide selection until later this year. Never delay your career progress or your studies - hit those books and pass the 640-801!
On a personal note, I ve taken Cisco certification exams for almost a decade as well as taking exams from other vendors for about 14 years, and I ve never been big on taking a brand-new exam. Some people like to do so, though- it s all a matter of personal preference.
Q. What s this I hear about another Cisco certification being offered?
A. Cisco no longer views the CCNA as an entry-level exam, and I think that s a fantastic change. I have personally taught and written CCNA materials for several years, and I have never considered the CCNA to be entry-level. When you re troubleshooting OSPF virtual links, you are not working at entry level!
Cisco does recognize the need for an entry-level certification, and that s why they ve developed the CCENT (Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician) certification. I ll have more details on that in a future article, but earning the CCENT is not required to become a CCNA.
Q. Is there still going to be a one-exam path and a two-exam path to the CCNA?
A. Yes, and again, I expect it to be more difficult to earn either way. If you choose the two-exam path, you re actually going to take two ICND exams - ICND 1 (640-822) and ICND 2 (640-816). The INTRO exam for the current CCNA path will be phased out on November 6, along with the current ICND and CCNA exams. If you choose the two-exam path, passing the ICND 1 exam will make you a CCENT.
Q. Which topics will be dropped when the 640-801 exam is dropped?
A. Following the trend of other Cisco exams, the 640-802 exams will not test on ISDN. That s the only major topic I see so far that will be dropped. This exam isn t getting any easier!
Q. Which topics will be added?
A. A *lot* of them. According to Cisco s CCNA exam blueprint, you can expect to see questions on Voice over IP, wireless, Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), SSH, and wireless security. This is an educated guess, but I d expect to see even more on router and switch security as well.
Judging from that list, I expect the 640-802 CCNA exam to be even more challenging than the current version. Like I said, you have plenty of time to pass the current version! ;)
Don t see your question answered here? Send your CCNA question to, and you just may see it answered in the next CCNA certification FAQ!
Chris Bryant, CCIE 12933, is the owner of The Bryant Advantage, home of free Cisco CCNP Exam and Cisco CCNA Exam tutorials, The Ultimate CCNA Study Package, and Ultimate CCNP Study Packages. You can also visit his blog, which is updated several times daily with new Cisco certification articles, free tutorials, and daily CCNA / CCNP exam questions! Visit his blog and sign up for Certification Central, a daily newsletter packed with CCNA, Network+, A+, and CCNP certification exam practice questions. A free 7-part course, How To Pass The CCNA , is also available. Earn your Microsoft Vista and Server 2008 certification with The Bryant Advantage!

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